Node.js End-to-End Programming
Course Length: 4 Days
Course Description
Node.js is one of the most revolutionary frameworks to come out in quite a while! Its asynchronous nature and flexibility makes it relevant for building everything from Web applications to client tools and you'll find it being used in a variety of ways. Node.js is based on JavaScript so if you're already comfortable with the JavaScript language you can be productive with Node.js right away.
In the Node.js/MEAN End-to-End Web Development course you'll learn how to build a Web application from start to finish using Express, MongoDB, Angular, and Node.js (the MEAN stack). Topics covered include building model classes , connecting to MongoDB with Mongoose, securing a site with Passport, building a shopping cart with Angular and Node.js RESTful services, creating controllers and routes with Express, binding data to views using Handlebars.js, and much more. If you're looking to learn the ins-and-outs of Node.js then this course is for you!
Course Outline
- Getting Started with Node.js
- What is Node.js?
- Getting Started with Node.js
- Debugging Node.js Code
- Using Node.js Modules
- Creating and Using Node.js Modules
- The package.json File
- Modules in Action
- Getting Started with Express
- Creating the Node.js Application Structure
- The Node.js Application
- Application Technologies
- Application Folder Layout
- Core Application Files
- Model Objects and Mongoose
- Introduction to MongoDB and Mongoose
- The Role of Model Objects
- Schemas and Model Objects
- Aggregating Multiple Schemas
- Data Repository Objects
- Introduction to the Repository Pattern
- Connecting to the Database
- Seeding Data
- Creating Repository Objects
- Mongoose Functions
- Routes and Controllers
- Introduction to Routing
- Defining Express Routes
- Route Paths and String Patterns
- Using express.Router()
- Creating Express Routes Dynamically
- Integrating "Controllers"
- Working with Views
- Handlebars Fundamentals
- Registering Handlebars with Node.js
- Creating a Layout Page
- Creating Handlebars Views
- Creating a Custom Handlebars Helper
- Creating a Passport Security Module
- Passport Fundamentals
- Creating a Local Passport Strategy
- Creating a Custom Passport Module
- Securing Routes
- Building a Shopping Cart with Angular and Node.js
- What is a SPA?
- Angular Fundamentals
- Creating a RESTful API with Express
- Building a Shopping Cart using Angular and Express